Zero Emission Ferries Coming to San Diego Bay-Coronado

February 27, 2025

Flagship Cruises & Events Awarded $15.2 Million California Air Resources Board Grant for Two New Fully Electric Vessels

San Diego, CA – San Diego-based Flagship Cruises & Events announced today that it has been awarded a $15.27 million grant from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to develop two fully electric zero emission ferries to serve the San Diego to Coronado route.

“Flagship is excited to lead the way with an environmentally friendly sustainable transportation alternative for ferry passengers,” said Brad Engel, President of Flagship Cruises and Events. “We are grateful for CARB’s support to bring zero emission vessels to our San Diego-Coronado service with the first all-electric new build ferries in California.”

Equipped with advanced battery technology, the new vessels will not emit any greenhouse gases during operation and removes the particulate matter associated with traditional combustion engines.

“This investment by the State of California in fully electric zero emission ferries is a critical step toward cleaning our environment and reducing air pollution in San Diego,” said California Assemblymember David Alvarez (AD 80). “I appreciate the leadership of Flagship Cruises & Events on this project as it demonstrates the commitment to a more sustainable future.”

The CARB Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Project grant is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts Cap-and-Trade dollars to work to benefit the environment, economy, and public health. The Flagship project will be implemented in partnership with the San Diego Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD).

“The conversion of these ferries to electric will significantly help reduce diesel particulate emissions for the Portside communities,” said Paula Forbis, Air Pollution Control Officer for the SDAPCD. “The electrification of transportation has a big impact on improving air quality, and SDAPCD is grateful to Flagship Cruises and Events for bringing San Diego County closer to Clean Air for All.”

The innovative vessel design reduces the carbon footprint of local transit options and advances the Port of San Diego’s “Green Port” initiatives.

“We are thrilled to partner with Flagship and the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District to deliver zero emission ferry services on San Diego Bay. This is exactly the kind of collaborative effort we envisioned when we approved the Maritime Clean Air Strategy,” said Chair Danielle

Moore, Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners. “As a Port of progress anchored in people, we are committed to doing our part to improve public health and advance zero emission transportation opportunities in our communities.”

Construction of the new vessels is expected to begin later this year with the goal of launching the first ferry by Fall 2026. Total project cost exceeds $21 million. Flagship will engage with the community to provide updates and information as the project evolves.

“Our family business launched in San Diego more than 100 years ago - and it has always depended upon sustainability - healthy air, clean water and the beauty of San Diego Bay,” said Art Engel, Chairman of Flagship. “We are proud to be contributing to a thriving environment for the next 100 years.”


About Flagship Cruises & Events – San Diego’s Truly Local Fleet
A family business established in San Diego in 1915, Flagship owns and operates San Diego’s largest and finest fleet, ranging from luxury yachts and jet boats to the iconic Coronado Ferry. Our professional crew is the best in the business at providing guests with experiences to remember for a lifetime. Welcome aboard for tours and sightseeing, dinner cruises, private charters, whale watching adventures, and more!

We Are Green! Our business depends on the beauty and healthy environment of our hometown. Flagship features freshly caught sustainable local seafood and locally grown produce. We use shore power while docked and utilize efficient state-of-the-art recycling and sanitation systems to keep our eco-friendly promise.


Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Project: Zero Emission Sustainable Transportation is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment - particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Project: Zero Emission Sustainable Transportation forma parte de las Inversiones del Clima de California, un iniciativa estatal que destine miles de millones de dólares de Cap-and-Trade para la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero, fortalecimiento de la economía y mejoramiento de la salud pública y el medio ambiente especialmente en comunidades en desventaja.

The CCI logo and name serves to bring under a single brand the many investments whose funding comes from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The logo represents a consolidated and coordinated initiative by the State to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gases, while also investing in disadvantaged communities and achieving many other co-benefits.